Source code for

import asyncssh
import logging
import os
import async_generator
import asyncio_extras

from import StorageDriver

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SFTPDriver(StorageDriver): """ SFTP storage driver is using the asyncssh module to access storage that is situated remotely. .. warning:: This driver is not ready for production use!! :option HOST: Hostname of destinotion server. :option PORT: Port destinotion server. :option USERNAME: Username of the user account. :option PASSWORD: Password of the user account. (optional if you use public/private keys). :option KNOWN_HOSTS: File to the Known Hosts file. :option CLIENT_KEYS: Array with client private keys. :option PASSPHRASE: Passphrase to unlock private key(s). :option KWARGS: Any other options that will be passed to ``asyncssh``. """ def __init__(self, instance, config: dict = None): super().__init__(instance, config) # Extract config to local vars. = config['HOST'] self.port = int(config['PORT']) if 'PORT' in config else 22 self.username = config['USERNAME'] self.password = config['PASSWORD'] if 'PASSWORD' in config else None self.known_hosts = config['KNOWN_HOSTS'] if 'KNOWN_HOSTS' in config and isinstance(config['KNOWN_HOSTS'], list) else [] self.client_keys = config['CLIENT_KEYS'] if 'CLIENT_KEYS' in config and isinstance(config['CLIENT_KEYS'], list) else [] self.passphrase = config['PASSPHRASE'] if 'PASSPHRASE' in config else None self.kwargs = config['KWARGS'] if 'KWARGS' in config and isinstance(config['KWARGS'], dict) else dict() self.options = dict(, port=self.port, known_hosts=self.known_hosts, username=self.username, password=self.password, client_keys=self.client_keys, passphrase=self.passphrase, ) @asyncio_extras.async_contextmanager async def connect(self): ssh = await asyncssh.connect(, port=self.port, known_hosts=self.known_hosts, username=self.username, password=self.password, client_keys=self.client_keys, passphrase=self.passphrase, ).__aenter__() await async_generator.yield_(ssh) await ssh.__aexit__()
[docs] @asyncio_extras.async_contextmanager async def connect_sftp(self): """ Get sftp client. :return: Sftp client. :rtype: asyncssh.SFTPClient """ ssh = await self.connect().__aenter__() sftp = await ssh.start_sftp_client().__aenter__() await async_generator.yield_(sftp) await sftp.__aexit__() await ssh.__aexit__()
async def chmod(self, path: str, mode: int, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: await sftp.chmod(self.absolute(path), mode) async def chown(self, path: str, uid: int, gid: int, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: await sftp.chown(self.absolute(path), uid, gid) async def close(self, **kwargs): pass @asyncio_extras.async_contextmanager async def open(self, filename: str, mode: str = 'r', **kwargs): sftp = await self.connect_sftp().__aenter__() fh = await, mode, **kwargs).__aenter__() await async_generator.yield_(fh) await fh.__aexit__() await sftp.__aexit__() async def get(self, remotepath: str, localpath: str, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: return await sftp.get(self.absolute(remotepath), localpath, preserve=True, follow_symlinks=True, **kwargs) async def put(self, localpath: str, remotepath: str, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: await sftp.put(localpath, self.absolute(remotepath), preserve=True, follow_symlinks=True, **kwargs) async def listdir(self, path='.', **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: return await sftp.listdir(self.absolute(path)) async def mkdir(self, path, mode=511, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: attrs = asyncssh.SFTPAttrs() attrs.permissions = mode for k, v in kwargs.items(): attrs.__setattr__(k, v) await sftp.mkdir(self.absolute(path), attrs) async def remove(self, path: str, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: await sftp.remove(self.absolute(path)) async def rename(self, oldpath: str, newpath: str, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: await sftp.rename(self.absolute(oldpath), self.absolute(newpath)) async def rmdir(self, path: str, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: async def rm(file): if await sftp.isdir(file): files = await sftp.listdir(os.path.join(self.absolute(path), file)) for subfile in files: await rm(subfile) else: await sftp.remove(file) await rm(self.absolute(path)) async def stat(self, path: str, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: return await sftp.stat(self.absolute(path)) async def symlink(self, source: str, dest: str, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: await sftp.symlink(self.absolute(source), self.absolute(dest)) async def exists(self, path: str, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: return await sftp.exists(self.absolute(path)) async def touch(self, path: str, **kwargs): async with self.connect_sftp() as sftp: async with, 'w+') as fh: await fh.write('') def openable(self): return True