Source code for pyplanet.core.ui.ui_properties

The UI Properties will be set and hold in the class definition bellow.
import logging
import xmltodict as xd

from pyplanet.core.signals import pyplanet_start_after
from pyplanet.core.ui.exceptions import UIPropertyDoesNotExist
from pyplanet.utils.functional import empty

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UIProperties: # pragma: no cover """ Set the custom Script UI Properties. .. tip:: Look at the possible UI Properties right here: - Trackmania: - Shootmania: Access this class with: .. code-block:: python """ specials = ('_properties', '_instance') def __init__(self, instance): """ :param instance: Instance :type instance: pyplanet.core.instance.Instance """ self._instance = instance self._raw = None self._properties = dict() @property def properties(self): if 'ui_properties' in self._properties: return self._properties['ui_properties'] return False async def on_start(self): await self.reset() await self.refresh_properties() self._instance.signals.listen(pyplanet_start_after, self.send_properties)
[docs] async def reset(self): """ Reset the UI Properties to the default ManiaPlanet ones. :return: """ if == 'tm': method = 'Trackmania.UI.ResetProperties' else: method = 'Shootmania.UI.ResetProperties'
# try: # logger.debug('Resetting UIProperties...') # await self._instance.gbx.script(method) # except Exception as e: # logger.warning('Unable to reset UIProperties: {}'.format(str(e))) async def refresh_properties(self): if == 'tm': method = 'Trackmania.UI.GetProperties' else: method = 'Shootmania.UI.GetProperties' try: self._raw = await self._instance.gbx(method) self._properties = xd.parse(self._raw['raw_1']) except Exception as e: self._properties = dict() self._raw = None
[docs] def set_visibility(self, element: str, visible: bool): """ Set the visibility of the UI Property and don't complain about failing to set. Must be set at the start of the app(s). :param element: Element name, such as notices, map_info and chat. Full list: :param visible: Boolean if the element should be visible. :return: Boolean, true if is set, false if failed to set. """ return self.set_attribute(element, 'visible', 'true' if visible else 'false')
[docs] def get_visibility(self, element: str, default=empty): """ Set the visibility of the UI Property and don't complain about failing to set. Must be set at the start of the app(s). :param element: Element name, such as notices, map_info and chat. Full list: :param default: The default value, or an exception if not given. :return: The boolean if it's visible or raise exception if not exists (or the default if default is given). """ value = self.get_attribute(element, 'visible', default) if isinstance(value, str): if value.lower() == 'true': return True elif value.lower() == 'false': return False return value
[docs] def set_attribute(self, element: str, attribute: str, value): """ Set an attribute of an element and silent if it's not found. Useful to change positions but unsure if it will and still exists. Returns boolean if it's set successfully. :param element: Element name :param attribute: Attribute name :param value: New value of the attribute. :return: Boolean if it's set correctly. """ if not self._properties: return False if element not in return False if '@{}'.format(attribute) not in[element]: return False[element]['@{}'.format(attribute)] = value return True
[docs] def get_attribute(self, element: str, attribute: str, default=empty): """ Get an attribute value of an element. :param element: Element name :param attribute: Attribute name :param default: Default if not found. :return: Boolean if it's set correctly. """ if not self._properties: if default is not empty: return default raise UIPropertyDoesNotExist('UI Properties are not present') if element not in if default is not empty: return default raise UIPropertyDoesNotExist('UI Properties has no element with name \'{}\''.format(element)) if '@{}'.format(attribute) not in[element]: if default is not empty: return default raise UIPropertyDoesNotExist('UI Properties has no attribute with name \'{}\''.format(attribute)) return[element]['@{}'.format(attribute)]
async def send_properties(self, **kwargs): if not self._properties or 'ui_properties' not in self._properties: return # Decide the method to use. if == 'tm': method = 'Trackmania.UI.SetProperties' else: method = 'Shootmania.UI.SetProperties' # Create XML document try: xml = xd.unparse(self._properties, full_document=False, short_empty_elements=True) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Can\'t convert UI Properties to XML document! Error: {}'.format(str(e))) return try: await self._instance.gbx(method, xml, encode_json=False, response_id=False) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Can\'t send UI Properties! Error: {}'.format(str(e))) return